Crossroads Print

Digital and letterpress printmaking prints of Jeremiah 6:16.
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Good News Posters

“Good News” posters for Eastbrook Church, 2019.
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Psalm 56:4

In God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? (Psalm 56:4)
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Psalm 139:5

“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalms‬ ‭139:5‬
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Matthew 28:20

Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
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Ecclesiastes 7:3

Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us. (Ecclesiastes 7:3)
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Proverbs + Fine Art

A study in the book of proverbs, as paired with fine art, Fall 2014.
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