Holy Week “Seasons”


For the past few years, I’ve been fixated on the seasons and the way that the rhythms of the natural world have lessons to teach us in other aspects of our lives.

In 2021, my artwork for Eastbrook Church’s Holy Week reflected the seasons.
Summer – Maundy Thursday
Fall – Good Friday
Winter – Holy Saturday
Spring – Easter Sunday

This quote was a guide for me as I worked: “As I have made some progress in my spiritual growth, increasingly I’ve come to cherish the seasons…. Seeing God in nature represents more than merely acknowledging the loveliness around us. It’s not just seeing God’s handiwork—rather, it’s seeing how He himself is at work within us. Creation is not just a postcard picture for us to behold; it’s also a road map for our learning more deeply who God is and how He feels about us. Rains, storms, and tempests only come to make the earth more beautiful. Whatever the devastation, nature heals itself; Resurrection is inherent in the soil we walk on. Just as we await our Lord’s return, so we wait, beyond life’s rainy days, for the beauty to come.” — Howard Butt, Jr.