Individual Spiritual Direction
60-Minute Session for Established Directees
Service Description
Spiritual Direction sessions are 1-hour sessions, typically spaced out every 4 weeks.
Cancellation Policy
In recognition that access to resources flow in uneven ways where some have more and others less, Liz offers a three-tiered structure, trusting individuals to discern what is within their budget: Standard Rate: $85 Supported Rate: $60 Supporting Rate: $100 Support from those who have some extra financial margin provides increased opportunity for those for whom Spiritual Direction may be otherwise out of reach. Finances should not prevent anyone from experiencing Spiritual Direction; please contact Liz for conversation if this is a concern. Payment is expected at the time services are booked and can be made via Venmo or any other digital form of payment. If you must cancel your appointment please do so at least 24 hours in advance via email. You will be billed a fee of $85 for any appointment that is missed or cancelled without 24-hour notification. Note: Charges for Individualized Personality Profiles (see Enneagram page) or other services are made separately.