Liz Carver is a
Spiritual Director, Enneagram Coach,
and Artist

A spiritual companion on the journey.
Spiritual direction is the practice of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with the Divine, or to learn and grow in their personal spirituality. The person seeking direction (we call this the person the directee) shares stories of their encounters of the Divine, or how they are cultivating a life attuned to spiritual things. As a spiritual director, Liz will listen and ask questions to assist the directee in his or her process of reflection and spiritual growth.
Get to know yourself on a deeper level.
Enneagram coaching is a process that uses the Enneagram personality framework to help individuals gain self-awareness, understand their motivations, and achieve personal growth. Coaches work collaboratively with clients to set goals and make incremental changes based on their Enneagram type, focusing on future-oriented actions rather than addressing past traumas.

Art &
You can't take the art
out of the artist!
Though Liz's work has expanded over the past 20 years to include soul care work like Spiritual Direction, Enneagram Coaching, and Soul Care Training, she is still an artist at her core and is open to taking on freelance projects! Explore Liz's creative portfolio here and reach out to hire Liz for your new design project.

Listen to your life.
"See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace."

Soul Care Matters.
As a Spiritual Director, Liz seeks to create safe and sacred spaces for individuals and groups to reflect on their own lives, awaken to the beauty of God's creation, become more aware of the presence of the Divine, and live from their truest identity as beloved.
While rooted in the Christian tradition, Liz welcomes all who seek to explore (or even to question) God's love.
Anchored Soul Co.
Liz Carver is a Spiritual Director, Enneagram Coach, and Artist